Thursday, March 28, 2013

Intermediate Agility 2 and 4

Hello Internet, my name is Rbaenen and I'm a terrible friend because I never blog. I'm sorry.

Now that I've apologized, I can get to actually writing something down. The good news is that I didn't have school today. The bad news is that I'm blogging to avoid studying for my MicroBiology exam tomorrow. Talk about a bad college student.

Pepper wants me to get him a Border Collie friend!
Someday when my parent's aren't mean/when I move out you can haz a friend, Pepper.

Check out our videos! Nobody was home to video Week 1 and Week 3 everyone bailed because they were "tired". Whatever that means...

Week 2

Week 4

For Week 4 we had to drop in on a pretty full class because I had to work on Monday. Pepper was really wild on his first run there because we had 0 warm up time and he had to wait for like 15 minutes before his turn. We had to skip Week 5's class because I had work Monday AND Tuesday. Sigh... But the ground has thawed AND I got a new tunnel. A 15' long tunnel! Photos and a video will follow someday when I'm not a bad blogger.

Pepper magically does the weaves now about 75% of the time. What the buck is up with that I'm not sure. He actually does it about 85% of the time correctly on my left side and about 65% of the time correctly on my right. No more Channel Weaves for us! From now on we'll just do it the straight up way until we are 99.999999%. Then we get to move up to 12 weaves.

I'm hoping that we will be able to refine our weaves this weekend and then show all the dogs up in class. *Our personal life goal, right Pepper?*

We already show them up in looks, might as well be better than them athletically too.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

First Trial

Yay! We went to an AKC trial and survived! But we were dismissed... Pepper was a straight up a wild thing.
Note to self: do not go to trials 8 hours early. Instead, get there about an hour early. Oh, and remember to put the treats IN the bag. Not near it, not around it. IN the bag.


Enjoy our agility fail. It's hilarious.

Next time I think we will try a CPE trial. One of my instructors recommended it and said it is a little more forgiving for us newbs.

I'm a tiny angel!
